Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's time!

"It's time! I want you to walk across the street and check yourself into the last available room in L&D right now. I'll be there to check on you in a little while. You'll do just fine." -Dr. Martinez
I walked into Dr. Martinez's office at 8:00am Friday morning for my second twice-a-week appt at 35 weeks. The nurse checks my weight, my blood pressure (way too high), and my protein levels (way too high) and tells me to wait in a room for the doctor. Dustin did not come with me this morning. He had something to do at work. Dr. M comes in and lets me know he has already called the hospital, which is located across the street, and they have only one room available in L&D and if I go over there now to check in they will reserve it for me. I had luckily packed my bags the night before and had them in the back of my car which was parked on the street. All the nurses wished me luck as I walk out of the office by myself. I call Dustin immediately and burst into tears letting him know it's time. I called Dawn, another SLP, and had her meet me upstairs to come get my keys so that she could move my car and get my bag (and super sanitize my hospital room). I walk up to the 7th floor and see a NICU nurse I knew and burst into tears again. She walked with me into L&D and let me know all was going to be alright. I knew at this time Baby Girl Jones would probably be admitted into the NICU because of prematurity. I also knew she was in good hands if that was the case.
My nurse, Loran, was a wonderful nurse. She immediately had me change into a gown and had me hooked up to an IV drip, told me to lay on my left side, turned down the lights, put an oxygen mask on me, and told me not to watch anything stressful on TV. TVLand it was! Dustin and my parents, along with my grandparents, Cyndy, and Dustin's parents were there shortly. Dr. Martinez had told us that we would for sure be parents that afternoon! There was only one tiny problem. I was supposed to have a baby shower from my department at lunch THAT day and I knew I was not going to be able to make it. Dustin went downstairs gladly to unwrap presents in front of lots of women. I remember him asking me, "How do I do this shower thing? What do I say to everyone?" Needless to say, he went down to PM&R, opened all the gifts, thanked everyone, Dawn took pictures with my camera, and all the gifts were delivered to our house.
Dustin came back up to my room with a baby book of names and few IT'S A GIRL cigars (gum). Totally prepared!

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