Sunday, June 22, 2008

Somebody didn't cooperate...

May 16, 2008.
We went to Sneak-A-Peak today for our 3D ultrasound hoping to get a good shot of baby's face. Guess who didn't cooperate? Apparently she was in the middle of a nap and didn't appreciate us trying to wake her up. She was in comfy position to her - hands to the mouth with legs straight up and her toes touching her forehead at times. Dustin would talk to her thinking she would start moving like she usually does. As he began talking to her, you could see her little hand move over her ear like she was suggesting he was interrupting her sleep. We saw her let out a yawn and open and close her eyes. We were amazed! The ultrasound tech told us she look like a little Desaray. Dustin informed her that Deseray did not make our list. Ha! Needless to say, we did not get a good picture of her and we are rescheduled to go back at another time.

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